Discipline and Self-Confidence Through Tae Kwon Do

Tae Kwon Do

What is Tae Kwon Do? Tae Kwon Do is an ancient Korean martial art. It is a method of self defense without weapons which incorporates both physical and mental training.

Tae Kwon Do is not just a sport or physical fitness program, it is an investment for life.

Through development of both the mental and physical capabilities of the individual, Tae Kwon Do offers renewed sense of confidence, peace of mind and security.

It increases stamina, muscle tone, strength and coordination, and helps to control weight. Thus, training in the martial arts is an investment in both your present and your future.

Who can study Tae Kwon Do? Anyone can study Tae Kwon Do! Age, sex, physical condition, and body strength are not important. Everyone progresses at their own pace in our individualized program. In our school, the competition is with yourself, not with others. One of our goals is that each day, when you leave, you are a little better than when you came.

What are the benefits of Tae Kwon Do? Each student comes to training hoping to get something different from it. The pressures of daily life affect us all uniquely.

Some of the benefits our students have reported receiving from their training are as follows:

Men: All men benefit from the better health that results from a vigorous training program. In addition, Tae Kwon Do gives a man the sure knowledge that he is able to defend himself and his family.

Tae Kwon Do also increases patience, self confidence, self control, and self discipline, which helps men to deal with the stresses of life today.

Women: Today, women face increased pressure at home and on the job, as well as from the constant threat of crime. Physical fitness has never been more important, and making time for a good training program can improve both mental and physical health.

Good physical conditioning, however, must be combined with the ability to defend oneself. Tae Kwon Do teaches women the skill. With improved health, appearance, and self confidence derived from the study of Tae Kwon Do, today’s woman is better able to deal with the challenges at home, in the street and at the workplace.

The Mature Practitioner: Age can be a state of mind if the body is maintained. Tae Kwon Do can help you to regain, maintain, and increase strength, stamina and flexibility. Our programs can be tailored to special situations such as arthritic conditions or back problems. Tae Kwon Do stresses self improvement over competition and so can be started at any stage of life.

Children: We specialize in teaching young children ages four and up. The training they receive here gives them pride, discipline, self confidence and self respect. The shy, withdrawn child becomes more outgoing and confident.

The aggressive child is calmer and more respectful of others. Training for junior students incorporates creative fun drills to develop their coordination and concentration and teaches them evasion and defense skills.

Parents today often have difficulty giving their children all the time they would like due to may factors. Here at NorthEastern Martial Arts Academy, we seek to reinforce the important values that parents strive to teach their children.

Call (845) 651-KICK (5425) today to learn how you can reap the many benefits Tae Kwon Do has to offer.

Contact Us!

Chester Mall 
78 Brookside Ave. Suite 146
Chester NY 10918

(845) 651-KICK (5425)

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